The N-exlace is an accessory or the means to ‘store’ the love of a lost relationship.  The natural veg tanned leather is moulded tightly to the curves and undulations of the body to allow a seamless fit as if the leather was the skin from earlier years.


Imprinted on the leather are memories of the relationship, both good and bad.  Images from happier times in photo booths, playfully pulling faces, letters and postcards received talking about the future and that pain of being apart and diary excerpts as the relationship broke down, knowing it was nearly over, but not sure where to turn or what to do.


In the centre of piece is a bubble.  The ghost of an object symbolizing the embodiment of the lost love.  A locket once given as a gift.  Like the love, the locket no longer remains, but the imprint on the person is still present, leaving memories that shape our character, lifestyle and fashion choices and in certain aspects our future relationships.